
Due to our extensive network of contacts with over 1,000 factories/trading companies in the Far East and in Europe, we are always able to find the items you are looking for at the most competitive prices. Apart from this, we can offer the items we have in our own program of over 10,000 different items; these items follow the latest trends.

We can offer you our knowledge to overcome time consuming barriers and risks that are commonly associated with buying goods from the Far East and Europe.

If you are looking for Full Container Shipments you came to the right address, because of the good relationships we have with our supplies also smaller shipments are possible.

Household products, plastics, cutlery, furniture and decoration, stationary, back to school products, electronics, toys for indoor and outdoor, sports, body space, Golf, personal care products, games, and hobby products. Bike and car items, Camping, Hiking, Garden decorations, indoor/outdoor furniture, Festive and seasonal products, Xmas articles, Travel supply, luggage, pets' care, Drugstore article, Etc..
